This blog post serves as Telecom Association’s 10/20/22 public notice that on 11/2/22, TA will launch an end-user email newsletter targeting 50,000 CxOs and IT directors of midsize, multi location US businesses spending $35,000 per month on information & communications technology (“ICT”) managed services.
The primary purpose of the newsletter will be to invite the CxOs and IT directors to join TA as end-user members and educate them about how to source, procure and manage ICT services through technology advisor TA members working through master agency TA vendors and their supplier neutral solution engineering and architect teams.
The secondary purpose of the newsletter is to create an efficient CxO and IT director lead generation vehicle by which end-user TA members of midsize, multi location businesses can, after learning how to source & procure ICT solutions, register themselves as a prospective sales lead that is directed to TA technology advisor members in the state and metro where the headquarters of the TA end-user member lead is located that is working with a TA master agency member engineering team that the end-user learns about through the TA newsletter and website.
This TA member-to-TA member outbound educational marketing and lead generation solution is designed to eliminate the waste of market development funds (“MDF”) associated with multiple partners and providers all spending overlapping money pushing the same repetitive “pick me, pick me” sales messages to the same audience.
By inviting midsize, multi location business CxOs and IT directors to join TA as association end-user members for the purpose of educating them to make informed sourcing & procurement decisions and then inviting them to purchase ICT managed services from their fellow TA advisor, distributor & provider members, the CxOs and IT directors will feel empowered to make educated decisions in a transparent marketplace where they are buying from fellow association members who make themselves accountable to one another.
The purpose of this public notice is to ensure that all current and prospective TA advisor, distributor and provider members receive this information at the same time so they all have equal opportunity to participate in this new program as a “Founding Member” which is the permanent title that will be applied to TA members who choose to financially support this new end-user newsletter and lead generation tool with a prepaid monthly pledge of any amount through 12/31/22.
Founding Members (“FMs”) will be the TA members who receive the leads generated by this program. FMs will be listed geographically and by ICT solution category expertise. To ensure equal fairness, FMs in the same geography and ICT category will be re-ranked at the beginning of each calendar month by the amount of their prepaid monthly pledges. FMs can lock in their ranking in future months through prepayment of future monthly pledges on a quarterly basis.
Lock Down Your Lead Generation Geography and Category Position Before Your Competitor Does!
Just like any other lead generation platform (LinkedIn, Google, Facebook, etc.) there can be only one “Number One” advertiser position in any category so please ensure you lock down your category before your competitor does. Providing you with proper, public and equal notice of this “first come, first served” opportunity is the purpose of this post.
To lock down your lead generation geography and category, send an email with “TA-Lead-Gen” in the subject line to with the following information: 1) Contact Information, 2) State & Metro Geography, 3) ICT Categories, and 4) Monthly Prepaid Pledge Amount for lead generation listings, and 5) Specific Questions you have about this new program. Upon receiving your email, TA will respond with a link to an information page that answers FAQs and provides a secure link for you to prepay your first monthly pledge via credit card.